Rules We Follow Regarding Financial Gifts
Deaf Missions considers privacy to be very important. Below is a list of ten rules that Deaf Missions follows in regard to gifts and personal privacy.
Here is what we WILL do:
- We WILL treat your gift as if you’ve given it to God…because we trust that’s what you intended.
- We WILL use your gift for the purpose you expressed. If that is not practical for us to do, we will offer to return your gift to you. Unless you request otherwise, your gift will go into Deaf Missions’ General Fund.
- We WILL promptly send you a receipt on Deaf Missions’ letterhead or on another official Deaf Missions form. Usually a letter is included with the receipt. If you do not receive a receipt within 21 days, please notify us.
- We WILL send you an annual report of your stewardship to Deaf Missions. You should receive the report by January 31 of the following year.
Here is what we will NOT do:
- We will NOT add you to our mailing list if you request us to not add you. And we will promptly remove you from our mailing list upon your request.
- We will NOT burden you with monthly appeals for more money. In fact, we usually make only a couple appeals per year. You will receive our newsletter (unless you request otherwise). Any special current needs we have will be part of the news in that Report. And at Thanksgiving time we will send you a Thank You.
- We will NOT share your name or address with any other person or organization.
- We will NOT print or otherwise publish your name unless your gift is associated with a memorial or honorarium, or unless you request such, or unless we receive advanced permission from you.
- We will NOT use your gifts to pay interest on borrowed money unless the money was borrowed for a large (for us, anyway) capital expense that will improve and enhance our ministry among Deaf people. Any exception to this rule will be only because of unusual circumstances (such as 9-11) and adjustments will be made quickly (such as we did after 9-11) so that a deficit will not be perpetuated.
- We will NOT do anything illegal with your gifts.