There is a wall here at Deaf Missions that has a large map of the world on it. This map serves to daily remind our staff and students why we are here – to impact Deaf lives globally with the Gospel of Jesus.
Deaf Missions exists because only 2% of an estimated 70+ million Deaf people around the globe have been introduced to Jesus. That means 98% of Deaf people have yet to experience salvation in Him. This is discouraging.
But, be encouraged to know that Deaf people are being impacted! In fact, Deaf people in more than 100 countries around the world continue to be reached and transformed through the ministry of Deaf Missions.
We prayerfully hope that, like the wall at Deaf Missions, you will remember daily the impact YOU are having among Deaf people here and abroad through your prayers and financial support. We are grateful for this dear and vital partnership we have with you.
As we draw near to the end of this year would you consider making a financial gift to Deaf Missions? Take assurance in knowing that your gift will result in global and eternal Kingdom-impact!
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for what you will give. Here’s wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Chad Entinger
Chief Executive Officer