Brenda Palmigiano has shared with us the impact that the American Sign Language Version (ASLV) of the Bible has had on her life.
While living in Rochester, New York, Brenda struggled to make sense of her printed English Bible. The language was difficult for her to understand, and she did not realize God’s will for her life. Then a friend introduced her to the ASLV. Through DVDs, she could finally watch the Bible in her own language – sign language. And she finally understood God’s Word! It was after seeing the Bible in her own language that she made the decision to give her life to Christ, be baptized and follow Him. Praise the Lord!
Now, Brenda also uses the Deaf Bible app as well as the Deaf Devo app to study the Bible and gain a closer relationship with God. In her own words, “Without Deaf Missions, I would be lost.” The ASLV made it possible for Brenda to see, understand and act on God’s Word. What an incredible testimony.
There are many, many more Deaf souls that need to be reached with God’s Word. There are many, many more people around the world just like Brenda who need access to a Bible in their own language so they can see and understand God’s amazing love. And you can help.
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