68 out of 70 million Deaf people
do not know Jesus...

Roughly 98% of the worldwide population of Deaf people have never encountered the real Jesus. What is the number one issue Deaf people face when it comes to knowing Jesus? The answer boils down to two words: communication barriers.

After 50 years of Deaf Ministy, we keep our focus narrow. Here's what we do:

We create epic video content in sign language, like the Jesus movie. Our vision is to clearly communicate the Gospel with our video content to the 70 million Deaf people worldwide.

We build Gospel communities. We help facilitators build groups to encourage Deaf people in their journey with Jesus.

We equip Deaf leaders by providing access to resources and training in their heart language.

Need Some Inspiration?

Enjoy these stories told by some of the people impacted by Deaf Missions' work - we are amazed by their faith journeys.