About Deaf Missions
If you put all the Deaf people in the world in one country, it would be the third most populated country in the world. Deaf Missions exists because only 2% of these Deaf people around the globe have been introduced to Jesus. That means 98% of Deaf people have yet to experience salvation in Him.
It is our vision to see the lives of Deaf people transformed and impacted through God’s Word in their native and heart language – sign language.
That vision drives the three ministry priorities of Deaf Missions:
- We TRANSLATE – our top priority is translating all of God’s Word into American Sign Language (ASL) by the year 2020. This will give Deaf people their first ever complete Bible in a sign language!
- We TRAIN – the Deaf Missions Training Center (DMTC) trains and equips men and women to be more effective church planters, leaders, preachers, Bible translators and missionaries.
- We REACH – our staff and students utilize the ASL Bible, Daily Devotions for the Deaf, and other resources as they go out and reach Deaf people with the Gospel message.
Through these three priorities, Deaf Missions is IMPACTING the lives of Deaf men, women and children in more around the world!
Please support us today by giving online or sending a check to Deaf Missions at 21199 Greenview Road., Council Bluffs, IA 51503.